Grand Canyon R2R2R Part 4

Halfway there! Back down the North Rim we ran, moving faster to try to warm up in the higher altitude (just over 8,000 feet). Back past the trail maintenance crews, back down the switchbacks. And then we saw him… our lost companion moving up the trail! We were stunned that he did not actually turn around, but not surprised. He said he was feeling better and was going to do the entire thing. I felt terrible, guilty for leaving him and I did not want him to be alone. I pleaded that he turn around right now and go back with us. He refused. Stephen privately asked me if he should go back up to the rim with him, but that would be adding on another 2 hours… I didn’t think it was a good idea. We were tired, the canyon was heating up and we still had a long way to go. I still felt we all needed to keep moving back to the South rim. Before we parted ways, we made sure everyone had a map, knew the route and water sources, so even if solo, we all had the best chance of getting back to the village.

As we dropped down through the canyon, I was surprised how technical this section seemed to be. I hadn’t noticed all the rocks and steps on the way up! I had to concentrate on each foot placement to avoid falling. Closer to the Manzanita rest stop, I felt a desperate need for the bathroom. I moved as quickly as I could, holding it together. This is a common occurrence on long downhills. I’m not sure why exactly, maybe it’s the constant pounding, but it almost always makes me need to go.. and urgently! OMG I wasn’t going to make it. I focused on my breathing, chanting to myself “just a few more steps.” This was painful, but I really didn’t want to stop on the side of the trail. Finally, the small building came into view! I have never felt such relief as I did in that composting toilet!

Bathroom emergency over. The others made it in shortly after me and we all refilled our packs with water and ate a light snack. We knew the next section was going to be a gradual downhill, but it would also be long, exposed and HOT! Next stop was Phantom Ranch and hopefully something cool to drink.